One-day data in the life of a mobile traveller [Infographic]

The Hyper-connected traveler concept, which has been talked about in the past few years and that explains the new users’ habits when interacting with brands and with other users, has been studied in this new infography, developed by Mophie, a mobile technology company.


This study emphasizes in the growth of data quantity consumed by users in all the steps of the voyage cycle, but specially while said trip is taking place. In fact, 82% of travelers use their smartphones for sharing and downloading contents during their vacations, while 88% considers this is the most important tech gadget to be taken with during his trip.

Among all the tasks that the user performs with his cellphone during the trip, infography outstands five: private e-mail consultation, weather info, maps and addresses access, up-keeping on news, and reading reviews and comments on attractions and restaurants.

Source: Tnooz